We bought Blue-J last fall, but unfortunately she needed a little bit of love to be able to actually take out and sail.  She’s all sorted out and it’s time to go sailing! Jason and I finagled 18 whole days off of work to devote to our big adventure.  Due to the newness of the boat we didn’t feel like trying to make it all the way up to Desolation Sound or Princess Louisa Inlet (maybe next year…) so in our usual fashion, we didn’t plan anything at all and have decided to just go where the tides and our whims take us!  We’ve been packing the boat up all week long because if we wait until the night before we’re always up until midnight, and on a voyage of this nature, that wasn’t going to cut it! So with the boat fully stocked (food, sleeping bags, and every camera lens I own) we left our home dock at the Port Orchard Marina early Friday morning to catch the tide out with Port Townsend in mind as our first destination.

Fenders up! Sail out! Lets get this party started!
Fenders up! Sail out! Lets get this party started!
Telltale signs of a good time!
Telltale signs of a good time!
Pretty green boat
Pretty green boat
Bainbridge Island somewhere
Bainbridge Island somewhere
Jib furler... (I think)
Jib furler… (I think)

We were headed up along Bainbridge Island through Agate Pass to fully utilize the outgoing tide when Jason realizes that there’s a bridge at Agate pass and we don’t know how tall it is.. or how tall our boat is. After careful calculations (Iphone searches) we decide to go for it.  There was another sailboat following us and I saw him stop and wait for us to go under the bridge just in case it didn’t quite work out. Their boat was a similar size. (honestly, I was hoping they would pass us and go first as their boat was much faster). After a few minutes of holding our breath, we made it under the bridge with about 15′ to spare and a subtle reminder to research our routes more thoroughly. 😉

Doesn't look that short...
Doesn’t look that short…
The other boat that wanted to pass us and then decided to let US be the guinea pig... Thanks, guys!
The other boat that wanted to pass us and then decided to let US be the guinea pig… Thanks, guys!
Looks like the Deception Pass bridge only a couple hundred feet shorter.
Looks like the Deception Pass bridge only a couple hundred feet shorter.
The other guy made it. Looks darn close!!!!
The other guy made it. Looks darn close!!!!

So with that drama behind us, I got fidgety and started taking photos of all the interesting waterfront homes.  They’re all so unique!

Random red barge
Random red barge
Red channel marker
Red channel marker
Hotel and totem pole
Hotel and totem pole
Every town has a painted rock.. this one has a mermaid on it.
Every town has a painted rock.. this one has a mermaid on it.
Northwest style with a lovely pergola out front
Northwest style with a lovely pergola out front
Graffiti under the bridge
Graffiti under the bridge
I love graffiti!
I love graffiti!
Old cabin with moss on the roof. Shouldn't someone tell him it's damaging his shingles?
Old cabin with moss on the roof. Shouldn’t someone tell him it’s damaging his shingles?
This is so pretty....
This is so pretty….
This one burnt down. Probably about the only waterfront home Jason and I could afford. ;)
This one burnt down. Probably about the only waterfront home Jason and I could afford. 😉
Everyone had a little boat house along the water. Looks like so much fun!
Everyone had a little boat house along the water. Looks like so much fun!
This one used to have an Orca painted on it.
This one used to have an Orca painted on it.
Mostly jealous of their gorgeous weeping willow tree
Mostly jealous of their gorgeous weeping willow tree
Craftsman detailing in a wooded setting.
Craftsman detailing in a wooded setting.
Another waterfront home that looks affordable...
Another waterfront home that looks affordable…
Action shots of a passing sailboat.
Action shots of a passing sailboat.
I like the dark blue. Much classier than our faded baby blue...
I like the dark blue. Much classier than our faded baby blue…

Fidgety turned to boredom. Not really boredom, but only so many people can screw with the boat GPS at the same time, so I took some detail photos of Blue-J.

Enclosure zipper
Enclosure zipper
Sail pulley things.
Sail pulley things.
Shapes and colors
Shapes and colors
Jason looking at stuff and filling out the log book.
Jason looking at stuff and filling out the log book.
Classiest picture of a dish towel in existence.
Classiest picture of a dish towel in existence.
The inside of our fair vessel. Complete with hammock for chips.
The inside of our fair vessel. Complete with hammock for chips.

It was NOT a very pretty day. Not raining, which was nice, but overcast and hazy. Not conducive to gorgeous panoramas of the open ocean like I had in mind. Drats!



Dueling ferries in the fog
Dueling ferries in the fog
More haze
More haze
Well, at least it wasn't hot outside...
Well, at least it wasn’t hot outside…

We had planned to pull in to Port Townsend around 2-3. Not too bad, pretty easy day. But the weather forecast started talking about “gale warnings” etc etc for tonight and we started talking about how maybe we should just go ahead and get to the San Juans. So we went for it. It was only a couple more hours across the Strait of Juan de Fuca and up through Cattle Pass at the south end of San Juan Island. I’ve seen Port Townsend a lot, might as well keep going and see something new! The weather even cleared up a bit! It’s a good sign.

Almost sunny!
Almost sunny!
Playing with clouds and the wide angle lens.
Playing with clouds and the wide angle lens.

The weather stayed pretty nice but the current had switched direction by this point and was now at maximum flow through the pass.  There were just sections of standing white capped waves and places that looked calm and flat but were really just water boiling upwards from below. It was pretty intense. I managed to get photos of a few of the breaking waves, so I was happy with that. 😉

Lighthouse at Cattle Point
Lighthouse at Cattle Point
Crazy swirling water shenanigans
Crazy swirling water shenanigans
Splashes with water on the lens. (great!)
Splashes with water on the lens. (great!)
Whitecaps... Just from tides...
Whitecaps… Just from tides…
Look like tiny mountains
Look like tiny mountains
Haze and waves
Haze and waves
The smooth sections of upwelling water. Almost look like oil slicks.
The smooth sections of upwelling water. Almost look like oil slicks.
Very cool.
Very cool.
Dolphin swimming around probably catching dinner.
Dolphin swimming around probably catching dinner.
Around the bend and we're home!
Around the bend and we’re home!

We ended our unintentionally long day with a delicious homecooked meal (brought from home because cooking is hard!) and glorious evening sun overlooking our nameless little harbor we chose to anchor in.

Our neighbor for the night!
Our neighbor for the night!

Day 1 of 18 was pretty successful! We made awesome time! No idea where we’ll be tomorrow! 🙂