Since we arrived in the San Juans essentially a day early, we didn’t really plan out what we wanted to do today. (this is a recurring theme with us) Unfortunately some necessary boat repairs meant we pretty much had to head up to friday harbor to buy some parts (and a Canadian flag for customs). Also, the Crow’s Nest Cafe in Friday Harbor has a buttercream latte that makes me a very happy camper. The weather was drab and not a very interesting that morning so I didn’t take photos, instead I worked on making myself a coffee on the stove and making Jason and I eggs and sausage burritos for breakfast. I cook 10000% more on a boat than I do at home. Probably because there’s no internet out here. Tragic. Anyway, we made it up to Friday Harbor, Blue-J got a slip for the night and I got myself a big ole latte. We then headed to the local West Marine. All our errands were accomplished before lunch time! Life’s pretty efficient when you’re used to getting up at 4:30 every morning.

Friday Harbor Marina. Pretty jam-packed for the holiday weekend and fishing season!
Friday Harbor Marina. Pretty jam-packed for the holiday weekend and fishing season!
Pretty old tug boat
Pretty old tug boat
Playing with action lines
Playing with action lines
Reserved for the night BY US!
Reserved for the night BY US!
Slip 43
Slip 43

One of the most interesting things to do here is just walk the docks. Since it was a holiday weekend, the marina was packed with all kinds of interesting boats. Including a few of my favorite little tugboats. Someday i’ll have one. They’re just stupid cute. I hate it.

It's name is TUGBERT
It’s name is TUGBERT
It even has it's own cute little tugbert logo...
It even has it’s own cute little tugbert logo…
Light blue dinghy
Light blue dinghy
This is a Fisher. I think they're gorgeous, but Jason hates them. Go figure.
This is a Fisher. I think they’re gorgeous, but Jason hates them. Go figure.
Yellow boat against a yellow dock.
Yellow boat against a yellow dock.

After working on the boat a little bit. (draining the water out of the fuel filters, replacing all the fuel/water fill o-rings, and filling her up with oil) (don’t ask where the oil went, because we have no idea!) we went out to get some tasty thai food for dinner! and some ice cream for Jason for dessert!

Ice Cream Cones
Ice Cream Cones
So many flavors...
So many flavors…
"Even cows get tipped" Yeah, but the cows don't actually like it...
“Even cows get tipped” Yeah, but the cows don’t actually like it…
Massamun curry.
Massamun curry.
Reflections on the table
Reflections on the table
More reflections
More reflections
Cute little monk kid
Cute little monk kid


Friday Harbor is a lot of fun. I got to see a little more than just the main strip this time because I had to walk all the way up the street to NAPA. It would be interesting to live on an island like this. Anyway, since we’ve chartered a few boats up here in the San Juans we wanted to go someplace new, and that means Canada! So tomorrow, we head NORTH!

Shingles at the marina office in Friday Harbor
Shingles at the marina office in Friday Harbor
Survey marker! It's like geocacheing for lazy people.
Survey marker! It’s like geocacheing for lazy people.
The famous Cask and Schooner
The famous Cask and Schooner
Detailing on a building downtown
Detailing on a building downtown
Hand lettered bike rack sign
Hand lettered bike rack sign
Downtown and sticker
Downtown and sticker
MMMMM Crow's Nest!
MMMMM Crow’s Nest!
Interesting décor.
Interesting décor.
Nautical theme for obvious reasons
Nautical theme for obvious reasons


Dog at the barbershop
Dog at the barbershop
Must be a problem here
Must be a problem here
Chinese food pizza? Must be one of those new Asian-fusion style restaurants or something...
Chinese food pizza? Must be one of those new Asian-fusion style restaurants or something…
Rubber duckie in the pond
Rubber duckie in the pond
Pictures of flowers for mom
Pictures of flowers for mom


Please return promptly
Please return promptly
All of the San Juan Islands are scenic. Not just the byway!
All of the San Juan Islands are scenic. Not just the byway!
No idea what this sticker used to say
No idea what this sticker used to say
Dog on a boat. It seems like for every person on a boat, each one had a dog. There were SO MANY dogs.
Dog on a boat. It seems like for every person on a boat, each one had a dog. There were SO MANY dogs.
70's paint scheme on this one.
70’s paint scheme on this one.
Dump truck in a planter
Dump truck in a planter
Sweet 3-wheel scooter for rent from Suzie's Mopeds.  Someday we're going to do this.
Sweet 3-wheel scooter for rent from Suzie’s Mopeds. Someday we’re going to do this.
Stairs and red wall
Stairs and red wall
Obligatory wall shot
Obligatory wall shot
This concrete was apparently installed in 1938
This concrete was apparently installed in 1938
Another dog on the dock
Another dog on the dock
These two were fighting over who got to hold the leash.
These two were fighting over who got to hold the leash.
Sign made me laugh
Sign made me laugh
Hey at least they're honest!
Hey at least they’re honest!
Old house
Old house
Pretty colored daisies
Pretty colored daisies
Nice balls!
Nice balls!
Yellow flowers
Yellow flowers


The van version of the Downriggers restaurant after it burned down. So tasty!
The van version of the Downriggers restaurant after it burned down. So tasty!
Totem pole
Totem pole
Friday Harbor's resident harbor seal
Friday Harbor’s resident harbor seal
She mostly hang out by the fish market waiting for handouts.
She mostly hang out by the fish market waiting for handouts.
I read somewhere that her name is Popeye, probably due to the one cloudy eye.
I read somewhere that her name is Popeye, probably due to the one cloudy eye.

It was an interesting and productive day! The boat is ready to go and we are ready to go! Canada here we come! 🙂