Since Bora Bora was exactly as advertised…it’s awesome… we decided to spend the night and stay here for another day!  We woke up pretty early in order to beat the tour boats and headed over to a spot that the charter people told us about where there are apparently Manta rays.  I’ve seen them in an aquarium, but it’s nothing like seeing them down there in the water with you.  We had one even get a little curious about us and swim up to check us out.  They’re such graceful critters.  I’m sad that I’m not better at freediving and couldn’t really get deep enough in the water to get a picture of them properly. I’ll have to practice up and go back and try again!

Tons of fish and coral, but no mantas yet


Big coral head
School of fish I followed for a while
Rashell swimming in the rays of sunlight through the water
An attempt at an over/under of Bora Bora

We kept looking for the Mantas and didn’t see them.  Eventually we motored back over to the start of the reef to try again before we gave up.  There they were! 🙂

All the way at the bottom!
Swimming away
4 manta rays
I love the rays of light even though it messed with the photo
I hope this guy got a great shot of it!
You can even see his little fish friend!
My favorite shot of the day!
We definitely called them majestic sea flap flaps the entire time.