Jason and I left Oshkosh before the weekend craziness and drove north up to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area in Minnesota.  Since we were dragging the camper we didn’t get to stop in Duluth, but it looked like a really interesting town with lots of converted old brick warehouses and industry on Lake Superior.  I wouldn’t mind going back sometime! We finally made camp at Flour Lake Campground, located on…Flour Lake.

Camper all set up. It’s quick and easy. We don’t even bother with the chairs anymore.

We’re here to paddle, so we dragged our canoe down from the top of the truck and set out for the end of Flour Lake.  There is a portage at the end that we wanted to try that connected to another lake.  However when we got there it was super overgrown and obviously not used often.  We didn’t have real shoes and I don’t want to get poison ivy on the first paddle of our trip, so we just went back.

Other paddlers at dusk

the break in the trees is where the trail starts
this isn’t where you’re supposed to have a boat!

back in the water we go!
I liked this tree

This part of Minnesota is gorgeous! And, even better, the weather is a perfect 70 degrees and no bugs!