In spite of the unusually exciting experience the day before with the storm and waves, we all slept pretty well and woke up this morning ready to finish up our paddle!

Sunrise reflection coffee

This airplane flew through the canyon. Pretty neat to see!
Loaded and ready to go!

good morning friends!

Love the dynamic lighting in the canyons

The take out spot is just ahead
We made it!
Victoria and Deb made it too!
We have considerably less stuff on the way back somehow!
Victory selfie! We do look considerably scruffier than when we left!
The road out of the river was terrifying

Jason and I have been canoeing a lot all summer long but never took the time to go canoe camping.  I will freely admit I don’t *love* camping, but being able to travel on the water and stop where you want was really cool.  There was a lot of history along the river of the early explorations and Uranium mining that I would like to explore further if we do this paddle again.  Our boat did really well and we had an excellent time hanging out with our friends! But now it’s time to head back into Moab to our camper and to running water and hot showers to prepare for our next adventure!