There were so so many airplanes… I didn’t have nearly enough space on my phone or camera to capture everything! So here are the ones that are left!

There were air shows and aerobatics pretty much every day! Fun to watch for sure!

Before taking off from the runway two at a time, they lined all of the Texans up in a row and had them all run their engines up at the same time!

Yeah that sounded nice

We also had a U-2 spy plane flyby.  It went as low as possible down the runway without stopping and then left again!

Jason really likes the STOL (short takeoff and landing) planes, so we spent a little time over there checking them out. They have large tires for landing offroad and super short landing and takeoff distances for backcountry exploration.  Sounds like fun!

…and then the rest!

MIG 17. sorry Tom Cruise, I like these better!

Seeking shade under the wing

I love the shiny aluminum planes
Someone charging their camp setup with solar panels