We flew into Anchorage, but the ship actually leaves out of Seward.  This problem was easily rectified by a couple hours on a bus. We made a short pit stop at Chugach State Park to finally see more of Alaska than a big city…and it was awesome! There’s a series of elevated walking platforms to get out over the creek.  I bet you could get some really good wildlife photos out here.

Chugach State Park
Chugach State Park
Nice little hiking trail
Nice little hiking trail
Pretty good area for bird watching I think
Pretty good area for bird watching I think
Bird house
Bird house
Mountains in the distance
Mountains in the distance

The only road from Anchorage to Seward runs along the scenic Turnagain Arm.

View from the bus
View from the bus


The current here gets strong enough to form currents in the river
The current here gets strong enough to form currents in the river
This area was flooded after the big earthquake of 1964.  Saltwater essentially pickled these trees so that they're still there, but they're dead and won't rot.
This area was flooded after the big earthquake of 1964. Saltwater essentially pickled these trees so that they’re still there, but they’re dead and won’t rot.

I was having fun taking pictures out of the bus as we rolled along, but we made another photo/snack/pee pitstop at the Portage Glacier.


The mountains are taller out here
The mountains are taller out here
I liked the lines of those electric poles
I liked the lines of those electric poles
...and one more because I really couldn't decide
…and one more because I really couldn’t decide
Wildlife on our bus
Wildlife on our bus
Bright blue portage lake
Bright blue portage lake
Wish we had a week to hike around here!
Wish we had a week to hike around here!
Found a tag on an electrical box. It's like a scavenger hunt.
Found a tag on an electrical box. It’s like a scavenger hunt.
Playing with lighting
Playing with lighting
This area is covered in moss
This area is covered in moss
Stop sign looking pretty rough
Stop sign looking pretty rough
I think every mountain with snow on it is a glacier up here
I think every mountain with snow on it is a glacier up here


Blue ice
Blue ice
Waterfalls everywhere
Waterfalls everywhere
Moure mountains
Moure mountains
Excellent lighting on a flower against a dark background. Pretty sure it was a big rock.
Excellent lighting on a flower against a dark background. Pretty sure it was a big rock.
More flowers
More flowers

We all headed back to the bus only to be told that there was a traffic accident and it would be a little longer… and then we heard that it was a bad traffic accident and the road could possibly be closed until 7 at night. 😮 well, shit. Luckily the driver of the other bus in our convoy pulled some strings with the Alaska police so we could get an escort out and be able to safely cross the highway through the stopped traffic and go on our way. If we had been another 15 minutes late getting to the glacier we would have been right at the accident.

Link to an article about the crash.

Turns out a guy with a camper stopped in the highway to let someone turn across traffic and got hit.  There was a tour bus involved as well.  There was hardly anything left of the camper. Pretty sad scene.

Glacial silt turns the water a bright blue color
Glacial silt turns the water a bright blue color
Mountains and ocean in the same place
Mountains and ocean in the same place
I like Alaska already!
I like Alaska already!
MADE IT! Seward was a very small town and their check in to the ship was just out of a giant warehouse.
MADE IT! Seward was a very small town and their check in to the ship was just out of a giant warehouse.
View from Jason's Mom's room.
View from Jason’s Mom’s room.

We finally made it to Seward only a few hours later than planned, but we found out the next day that some people were stuck in traffic until after midnight and our ship didn’t leave until 2-3 in the morning. WAY past when we were supposed to leave.  Unfortunately this meant that we didn’t have time to see the Hubbard Glacier and had to just motor on through to our second stop of Juneau.  Although given the circumstances, no one was overly upset that we had to miss a stop.  “First world problems”