All I really remember about today was that I spent most of it cleaning, sniffing too much bleach, and finding even more little hatches and nooks with crap stored in them.

All of the crap is starting to look more organized. Right?
The map drawer is full of rusty tools.
We’ll keep some of these around until we get our full tool set down here!
This is just a small sampling of the stuff we’ve been finding. Tubs of plumbing supplies and fittings etc.
The grill should clean up nicely but for now it goes in the storage shed!
I forgot about the storage OUTSIDE!
oh looky… there are outdoor cushions too!
This is the old generator. Someone removed the genset part and rigged up a car alternator. This isn’t cool. We’re ripping the whole thing out because it’s sketchy as hell.
Ironically this big boat DOES have a drain plug! She also obviously needs new bottom paint.

Overall the cleaning and organizing is going pretty well.  We’re making a list of the things that we want to upgrade and things that will need to be repaired or replaced.  We even met with a local fabricator to talk about the dinghy arch/davit setup we want on the back.  Lots of progress even though it might not be visible yet.