The town of Gig Harbor is a 10 Minute drive from the house, but a 3 hour boat ride.  Jason and I had 4 days off of work for the holiday weekend.  Our only criteria for this vacation was to avoid humans, relax on the boat, and explore somewhere new!  We’ve been to Gig Harbor before because my parents used to live there, but places are always different when you arrive by boat.  You start out seeing a place from a new angle (instead of driving down a hill, you’re eye level with it on the water!), and not having a car forces you to walk.  You end up going slower, but seeing more.

I’m also pretty sure that this was the longest I’ve walked in a really long time, including some of the hiking we’ve done this year! 😮 I took a very random assortment of photos.

Historical building
Into the sun
Chalk art
Gig Harbor!
Sailboat at dusk
The only waterfront house here we could afford…
Texture in the water
Fisherman statue
Excellent rendition of Hey Hey from Moana!
Trying and failing to do the locks on the bridge thing.
Under construction
Bolts and cigarette.
At the end of the harbor
More waterfront construction
Open for business
Colorful leaf
Beer with cars on it! Neat! (we got Gatorade instead!)
The tiny Gig Harbor lighthouse
Main street after sunset
I love stickers
The old ferry terminal at low tide
You’re not supposed to go down to the beach there.. but I would loooove to shoot that building!
Tiny flowers
Hanging food in a coffee shop