First things first… Jason made me blueberry lemon pancakes with strawberries and whipped cream on top for breakfast. It’s like nothing bad can happen the rest of the day!

Breakfast of champions!

Right then! After an amazing breakfast we had to go work on the boat. (same thing we do every day, Pinky…) Our goal today was to get the old generator removed from the boat. You might wonder why we’re removing a piece of equipment that would allow us to run an air conditioning system and any other appliance we might want? Well… our theory is that when the boat sank, the generator part of the engine was destroyed.  The little 2 cylinder diesel was still good, so they shoehorned a car alternator onto the engine and converted it to what is essentially a diesel powered battery charger.  This would save hours on the main engine, but it’s also a very strange way to go about things and the way it was done is just odd.  Since we’re going to have such a large array of solar panels, the generator was kind of redundant and we’re definitely interested in simplifying the boat as much as possible.

We’ve been removing a lot of the wiring from the generator already and Jason had started unbolting things from the top.  Today we committed to draining all the liquids out of the engine and taking enough off of it to get it out of the hatch!

Here’s the generator with all the extras removed!
It has some DIY mounts holding it into the case. Those have to die.
Here’s a shot from inside the aft berth showing how much room we’re going to free up when this thing is gone!
We took a lot of stuff off the motor: intake, exhaust, heat exchanger, starter, muffler….
Jason rigged something up with the ropes and then got to crawl into the hole with the engine while I cranked it up using one of the sail winches.
Here she is out in the open!
Behold the mighty Kubota 2cyl diesel!
All the stuff on the left is trash that we took to the dumpster!

The removal of the generator was one of the major things that we had planned on removing and now it’s done! I gotta admit, I feel accomplished! 🙂 It really cleaned out the space in front of the steering shaft.  It’s a boat, so more storage is always good! We’re not sure what we will end up storing in that spot… anything from scuba compressors to cleaning supplies! At least now we have the option!