After leaving Miles City, our next destination was Billings, Montana.  Instead of just driving down the highway, we got off and took old Highway 10 instead.  This was a great choice because the speed limit is still a borderline-unsafe 70mph and we saw maybe 2 cars the entire time. It’s pretty obvious that this stretch of road is locals-only at this point as it winds through the various fields and badlands. As we were rolling along I saw a few signatures in the rocks lining the road and didn’t think anything of it until we stopped to look at one and it was from 1928! Maybe they were working the railroad or moving cattle or just some old timey farm kids! We may never know!

Not much out here

Right where 10 meets back up with I95 is Pompey’s Pillar National Monument. Named after Sacajawea’s son, Pompey’s Pillar is the only remaining physical evidence of the Lewis and Clark expedition.

Raft they made to travel back down the river after the horses were stolen

They had to put a case over it because people suck
More signatures from the 1800’s

trail at the pillar

From Pompey’s Pillar we finished our drive and landed at the world’s first KOA in Billings! It’s a huge campground with a pool and a mini golf course.  Unfortunately due to the age and how many people are here, this KOA wasn’t nearly as clean or nice as our first one.  We didn’t even end up playing mini golf! But we did have power to run the AC and the general store sold ice cream.