I know y’all know I can’t drive by a river and not stop and pilfer rocks from it, but doing that while towing a fairly large camper is just inconvenient. So we spent the night in Billings and left the camper and drove the truck back up the highway to a spot we found by talking a guy working in an antique store! (winning!)

So much beach!

I stole my collapsible laundry buckets for the camper and filled both with agates from the Yellowstone River! It was a hell of a workout picking up all of those rocks but I think I got a few really nice pieces! Can’t wait to get home and start processing them into something pretty! After a few hours of picking up rocks in the sun we got back into the truck and headed back to Billings. When we got to Billings we stopped by an antique store I found downtown. Jason doesn’t care where we stop as long as he gets an ice cream bribe! This place was HUGE!

Coffee shop pupper!
70’s dream home!
Wall of paint by numbers!