In my last update, Jason and I were in Lake Tahoe working our way towards Yosemite National Park.  After leaving Tahoe, we realized that all the roads we wanted to take to Yosemite were closed due to snow and we would have to either go to Reno, Nevada, or back the way be had come already.  All this effort and useless driving just to camp in the snow and freezing rain again.  So instead of continuing to fight with the weather and spend our trip sitting in the truck we decided on a completely different route entirely: we’re heading to the coast! So much for a “desert road trip”! However the weather looked to be mild, sunny, and overall pretty pleasant while every other option we researched looked cold and miserable… so the coast it is! We ended up in Bodega Bay, just North of San Francisco. Now, I’d like to visit San Francisco sometime, but not on a road trip after our string of snowy disappointment.  After a few hours of driving we stopped and found, by chance, the cutest little hotel.  The Bodega Bay Inn is family run and located right next to the water and a coffee shop.  I could have stayed here for days.  Our room was in the annex building and was pretty basic, but clean and warm with running water and under $100 a night. I’ll take it! If you’re ever in the area, I recommend this place!

Bodega Bay Inn. Our room was behind the big tree!
Bodega Bay Inn. Our room was behind the big tree!
Flowers in the rain
Flowers in the rain


For dinner we stopped at the Fishetarian fish market and restaurant. We had fish tacos and a fish sandwich. It was awesome. They also have a variety of tasty treats and a whole wall of root beer, cream soda, and beverages. It was fun! I would definitely stop here again!



After our tasty dinner we drove out to the actual entrance to Bodega Bay, looked at the fishing boats, and took some photos.

The entrance
The entrance
Hazy grey day
Hazy grey day
Rocks and sand
Rocks and sand
Hiking paths
Hiking paths
Rocks in the water
Rocks in the water
Me being a dork. I need warmer pants.
Me being a dork. I need warmer pants.
Natural rock arch
Natural rock arch
Pacific Ocean!
Pacific Ocean!
So much irony
So much irony

…and since this is a blog and I can’t post whatever I want, you’re getting another food photo. This is from Ginochio’s Kitchen. It’s a breakfast burrito and it’s half full of delicious smoked bacon. Yes, please!


So now that we’re on the coast and further South than we (or rather, *I*) have ever been before, the plan is to just work our way North on Hwy 101!



