After 2 weeks of catching up with friends and exploring Washington we were ready to be home!

Manette in Bremerton
A boat heading towards the shipyard
Low tide in Port Orchard
I used to work in that ugly ass old warehouse.

We left Washington early in the morning and made it through to Eastern Oregon all the way to Mcdermitt, Nevada where we spent the night in a random pull off on the side of the highway.

long empty nothing

epic desert sunset
milky way is bright out here

We lucked out the next morning because by driving slightly further, we missed all of the construction traffic that shut down the highway further up the road! yay! And also, there’s an adorable little coffee shop in Mcdermitt!

Eventually we made it to the salt lake in Utah.  We’ve been here once before in the Mini Cooper but it’s been a long time! Since we had the camper behind us we had to proceed carefully and then realized we couldn’t drive all the way to the end of the road into the flats because they were having Bonneville Speed Week! Speed week is now on my list of events to attend at some point because I’d always wanted to go, but forgot all about it until we randomly showed up there but had to keep driving in to Salt Lake City!

So the reason we pushed through to Salt Lake City was that Jason’s brother Justin just randomly happened to be in town for work so we met him for dinner! Small world! Then we drove a few more hours at night until it was dark and we were up in the mountains where it was cool and we could sleep comfortably in the camper. The next morning we drove out of the mountains back into the high plains of Wyoming and took a little driving break in Laramie.  Laramie was a super cute little college town with a neat downtown area.  We got to stretch our legs a bit, grab some treats (coffee for me, ice cream for Jason), and I got a new bag that was locally made.

Laramie would be worth a second look next time we’re back up this way! From here we drove through the snowy range, which is *definitely* on our list of places to return to explore!

Once we left the mountains it was just grass, corn, and cows for hours.  Our destination for the night was Alma, Nebraska.

Hays, Kansas had a coffee shop
This is a deer feed kiosk.

From Nebraska it’s just a day to get home so we finally rolled into our own driveway at a reasonable hour after 6,700 miles of driving! It was a fun trip, but we were also glad to be home!

Good showing!