Today we left Hog Cay and sailed north to Double Breasted Cay. The sail was great and we even got our new whisker pole out so we could sail straight downwind with one sail on each side of the boat. (Called “wing on wing”)


We had a fantastic time here 3 years ago with our friends Erin and Kara so I was really looking forward to being back. We scoped out the shallows in between the islands for shallow boat hidey holes in case we need to hide from weather and then went to the beach with Sorn.

Made it!

Weird floating round thing. We never figured out what it was.

Every beach seems to have different stuff that collects at the water line and this one was full of shells and sea glass! The little girl on Sorn spent hours collecting the sea glass so we all hung out there for a bit. I also collected some treasures that I will someday (no promises) make into things when I get home.

Jason at the top of the trail
Sorn brought a beach blanket. They’re smarter than we are. Lol.
Took some pics of the waves rolling in from the ocean