Since this is our first year of cruising and we have no idea what’s going on we set a goal to make it as far south as Georgetown. We made it! However now that that goal is achieved, what do we do? We met back up with our friends on Vela and headed even further than Georgetown to Long Island. (No, not in New York). Long Island is appropriately named because it’s pretty comically long, compared to all of the other islands in the area. The sail over was fairly uneventful with light winds and clear blue water. The only complication was our autopilot not working, which resulted in us having to hand steer the entire time. I also learned that I can sail the boat pretty effectively just using the compass as a heading, so that’s useful!

Me driving the boat
Panic and flail!
Dart, as usual, does not care
Look at that water!
Duster hiding in a stupid spot as usual
Not a bad sunset!

Sailing took all day and we slept soundly! The next day we did some grocery shopping at the surprisingly well stocked store.

The dinghy dock

The whole crew is here!

We also rented a car to explore the island. Since it’s so long we decided to go south first so we could check out Deans blue hole, which is famous for freediving competitions (more on that later). We drove all the way to the end of the road where there’s a beach and a beach bar and also stopped at the marina to check it out.

Lots of bull sharks here. No swimming!

Beautiful sand and water

Maybe next time we can explore the northern end of the island. It’s time to keep heading south!