Today we decided to do another exploratory hike (although we now call them “trudges”) to the north end of Hog Cay. The trail started out with the conch shell trail marked by shells instead of the standard trash. After a short climb the trail looks out at the top of the sheer rock cliffs at the bay below. We clearly saw the coral in the water below and even spotted 3 turtles!

Absolutely breathtaking hike! But from this spot it devolved into mayhem. The trail from here was marked by a creepy collection of old doll heads and parts. I admire their dedication to their theme even if it is mildly disturbing.

The beach at the end of the trail should have been beautiful but it was instead full of garbage that has been floating up for apparently quite some time. I’m actually fascinated by it and get a kick out of walking the beaches to see what washes up, if there’s anything interesting, and if any of it can be repurposed. Weirdest find so far was a genuine, unopened 2019 Covid test from China. The most useful was a set of large flat stacking milk crates. The sheer amount of shoes and milk crates that end up on the beach is staggering. The rest of it, though, is basic single use plastic crap. The Bahamas have no way to get rid of trash so they usually just burn it, which isn’t a great idea for plastic so it just sits around clogging the beaches. Really makes me reconsider how much crap I throw away at home.

Giant mound of fishing net

One good thing to come out of this hike, other than the exercise, was a giant piece of gorgeous driftwood that I dug out of some rocks and graciously allowed Jason to cart home for me! It’ll probably end up in my front flower bed in Arkansas.