For some reason I’m on a giant hiking kick right now. So from the cruiser hangout hut we headed across the island on Bernie’s trail. It followed one of the little ridge lines to the ocean side of the island where we followed the shore back down to another trail that took us back to our dinghy. The trail has a fantastic view of the island, anchorage, and ponds. Once we reached the ocean, however, we were greeted by the slightly depressing sight of mounds of plastic waste. Very little of it is from the Bahamas but it washes up on shore constantly from elsewhere and they Bahamas doesn’t have the resources to dispose of it properly. The only way to get rid of it here is to gather it all into a pile and burn it, which may not be a net gain for the environment. There’s no easy solution for it but it really makes me reconsider how much plastic I buy and dispose of. All of this trash has to go somewhere.