The wind has at a great angle for us as we left Sale Cay and we made great time! However once we got to the top of the island the wind shifted and we tacked a few times and slowly realized we were never going to make any progress so we had to put the sails away and motor on in.

Shot of our boat from Seahawk
Peregrine looking pretty
Sails up!!
Pretty fast for a big ole girl!
Dart helping by holding down our chart book while underway. Thanks buddy!

The anchorage at Hawksbill Cay is just across the water from Fox Town and was our destination for the night! Compared to all the places we’ve stayed so far this area is super rocky! It’s very interesting looking.

Making progress!

I’ll admit that the main reason we’re stopping here is that everyone says they have the best cracked conch. Challenge accepted! We hopped in the dinghy and went to shore to check it out. There was even a little store across the street. We’re out of practically every fruit and vegetable we brought with us. Both banana hammocks are empty! Unfortunately the store was super tiny and only had a few things.  We ended up with 2 huge onions and 2 dozen eggs which cost $15, about twice what it would in Florida.

They had a variety of stuff for sure!

The conch was at Da Valley restaurant and bar. We sat outside, which was really nice! The conch was good, but I thought the flavor of the breading at the west end marina was better. Gonna have to keep sampling it!

Our dinghy is tied on the other side of the fishing boat
Cool colorful mural

We got back to the boat after dinner and it was too dark to go swimming! Hopefully tomorrow!