As usual for this season we have some snotty weather headed our way so it’s time to find a hiding spot! We had been eyeing a deep pool in between Darby and Little Darby islands. The problem is that there is a shallow sand bar that keeps most boats out of it. We anchored just outside the entrance for a night with our fellow shallow-draft boat Sorn and scouted the depths with the dinghy! Looks like we’re good to go once high tide rolls around!

Water drains through the sand at low tide
Beautiful sand bar
Rainbow over the ruins of an old house that looks like a castle
Pretty shell but it still had the critter in it

The route to pass in between the islands has a narrow deep cut lined with corals so we gathered the crew and did a really nice drift dive with the dinghy. We saw a nurse shark, tons of fish, and a little reef shark that was curious about us but confused by our presence in its home! I would love to do this dive again but the best part this time was the pair of Oakley sunglasses I found in about 10’ of water. Score!

In great shape!
Mine now, suckas!