We woke up this morning at the crack of dawn, shoved all of our crap in the back of the truck (my tetris skills came in handy here) and drove down to Tex’s Riverways in Moab to start our adventure!

This is 4 days and 4 people’s amount of crap. It seems like a lot of crap.
Our pretty Northstar loaded onto the trailer
Pre-trip selfie!
On the river with our crap in the canoes and ready to launch!
The current was much faster than we thought it would be so it’s lazy paddling for a while
Irrigation pick up for the farms nearby
Victoria and Deb getting the hang of their rental boat
It’s cooler to paddle in the shade

Cool tree in a rock

Reflections in the water

Huge sandstone cliffs
Canyon between the rocks
Jason and I went on a mission to see if we could access one of the listed campsites. It was way too shallow and full of gross mud.

Looks like we’re going to make camp on this river sandbar
Another Northstar boat!
Victoria, in her infinite wisdom, brought a sun shade!
This was a giant raft of paddleboards, canoes, umbrellas, floaties, and a catamaran. They were fun to watch go by.
We went on a hike up the mountain above the campsite
Survey marker
I found so many rocks! But I didn’t bring a bag so this was all I could carry!
Look at all those rocks!!!
The river from above
Canoe at dusk
Skies were clear and the milky way was bright!