Despite having just hiked and seen where the river continues, we still have 7 miles of paddling to get there!

heart shaped rock

this rock looked like a gigantic eagle

So in the course of our 7 mile voyage, the weather went from sunny and glorious to cloudy and ominous.  When we left on this trip the guides warned us about how quickly wind kicks up here in the canyons and how quickly the associated wind waves stack up with the current on the river.  Jason and I were paddling along when all of a sudden it seemed, the wind was howling and white caps started to form!  Luckily there was a nice rock to take shelter behind and we lassoed some of the rocks on the shore to hold our canoe in place while Deb and Victoria landed beside us and we all took shelter there behind the rock for about 45 minutes until we finally decided it was safe to continue paddling! Honestly, it was kind of terrifying.  I would have paddled it in my kayak, but our canoe is loaded down with stuff and isn’t made for water like that at all! I also hate storms anyway… so I may have been a nervous wreck the whole time.

The pictures make it look like nothing, but I promise there were whitecaps!


Finally on the move again
We decided to call it a day since we didn’t know what the wind was doing around the next bend and we didn’t want to get caught out with no place to go!
Nice sunset on the canyon walls