Now you know we didn’t drive all the way to Pennsylvania and back and not get a single picture of it! We actually started our day at the canoe place and then met up with Jason’s little sister Jessica and her husband Truett. Truett is actually from a town about an hour north of where the canoe was AND they just happened to be in town. Excellent timing indeed!

Jasons new boat

Loaded and ready to roll!
I left my little pink kayak on consignment.

I’ve never actually been to the northeast but somehow Pennsylvania looked exactly like I expected.  I wish we had more time because the area is beautiful and the town looked pretty interesting.



We all went for lunch at the Broad Street Market in Harrisburg. The market was super cool. It’s like a gigantic farmers market but also with different small restaurants inside all of the 3 buildings. Jason had a Philly cheesesteak and I had a wood fired pizza. Both were excellent. We topped it off with ice cream for dessert and had an excellent day catching up with family.

The only picture I took was of these cinnamon rolls to taunt my mom with.

I feel like we need to plan a road trip to the northeast now!