There are a bunch of small stuff that we’re doing to the boat that don’t warrant their own blog post. So here they are!

We took the head sail that was crumpled up on the table inside the boat, threw it outside, and folded it properly so we had room to work. Eventually we will replace it but it’s fine for now.

It’s so light compared to the catamaran

While I was cleaning and poking around the boat I found like 4 wasp nests  not sure how they got there but I made extra sure they were dead before I messed with them!


Not very exciting but necessary…replaced the seawater flushing supply hose on the toilet.

The bright white hoses always just look cleaner

The electronics on the boat are old enough that they don’t have all the charting software that the new stuff does. We’re planning on using our iPad for navigation but there’s nothing up there to power it. I found a clear spot on the hump the table is mounted on to install a usb charging port.

Marked and ready to drill
Picked up our new outboard motor for the dinghy. It’ll sit in the cockpit until we get to North Carolina

When we bought the boat it didn’t come with a diagram or anything for how the canvas installed. It was just pieces of blue cloth and a bunch of stainless hoops. Eventually we figured it out and got the dodger and Bimini put up!

Turns out there was a piece to connect them hidden behind a cushion inside the boat! It’s a lot less windy inside now.

There are quite a few things on this boat that needed maintenance and didn’t get it. One of those things is all the winches.  The first three just needed basic cleaning and fresh grease and took less than an hour each.  The last one was so bad we had to chisel 20 years of petrified grease off of all of the parts and wash them in the sink downstairs.  It took 5 hours but was very worthwhile.  I’m not sure how that winch was even functioning let alone how much longer it would have lasted!

All shiny again!

Sometimes I just like to do stupid projects and have an Amazon problem… so a pair of new stainless LED light fixtures made their way onto the boat. Jason didn’t even complain, they look so nice!

Before: shitty plastic halogen
After: sexy stainless LED

Not really a random mod, but our port rudder needed a little fiberglass repair on the bottom. That was done pretty quickly. Between all of our repairs and failing layers of bottom paint we bought a little touch up paint and layered it on the hull where needed. The black paint looks hideous and she looks like a Dalmatian but it’ll get us to Florida!

Rudder repair
Spots everywhere