The next few days were predicted to be super hot again so we pointed True North south towards the marina in Deltaville, VA. Unfortunately when we got there we realized our boat was too wide for all of their slips. We finally got the boat tied up super awkwardly at a different dock that was having some work done and after at least a half hour of adjusting all the lines and fenders realized that it didn’t have any electricity. There was really no point in staying at a dock if we couldn’t plug into the power to stay cool so we reluctantly left and anchored out nearby.

Our failed marina.
Marina has a community garden

We woke up in the morning and it was surprisingly cool outside so we tossed the kayak and canoe into the water to go for a paddle before the thunderstorm hit.

Nice morning!

We just barely made it back to the boat before the rain started! We hung out in the boat all day and then once the storm passed Jason took his canoe out just to play with it.  As the sun set I realized that the full moon was going to line up perfectly with the mast of the boat in front of us! I got some pretty cool pictures and jason paddled over to give them our boat card so I could email them the photos!

Jason at sunset

I should also mention that there’s really nothing at this spot in Deltaville but the marina.  It did have a pretty nice boaters lounge and a car you could use, but most notably the attached restaurant was fantastic!