North of Norfolk you leave the inter coastal waterway and enter the waters of the Chesapeake Bay. I’ll freely admit that I never researched the Chesapeake but I was surprised at how *big* it was, especially after motoring through a glorified drainage ditch for days on end. The weather forecast indicated a pleasant sail but, as usual, was wrong. We had to motor most of the morning but once the wind kicked up we sailed for about 2 miles before the wind was higher than it should have been and the waves kicked up enough to be super unpleasant. We don’t like to get the shit kicked out of us for no reason so we bailed on our plans for the day and anchored in a little protected bay as quickly as we could!

A little Island Packet playing in the waves
You can never get a sense of how shitty the weather is from a photo…
Nice sunset from the safety of our anchorage for the night.

Luckily for us the wind died down overnight and we had an uneventful motor into Annapolis.  It took all day but we managed to get through the draw bridge and to our mooring ball before the sun set!

Perfect timing!
This is a very skinny bridge in a catamaran!

Annapolis at sunset

We made it! 🙂