The wind ended up being substantially higher than forecasted today. I’m so glad we were going downwind instead of the few charter boats we saw headed back to Nassau getting beat to shit motoring upwind. That being said, the waves were about 4’ and ranging from confused chop to whitecaps on the beam. It was definitely a sporting day of sailing. We had to reef the main all the way down and eventually roll the head sail all the way up because the wind got up to 30 knots! Definitely a day that if it had been forecasted this strong we would have just stayed in an anchorage and waited! Either way, we got a new personal record in the boat of a blistering 12.3 knots of boat speed!

Not a bad sunrise
Hauling ass!
The coconuts arranged themselves in a small pile in the middle of the boat

Dart, my black cat, apparently gets seasick. He does fine when he’s up in the cockpit with us but unless someone is sitting next to him he will get up and wander off, usually towards someplace that will result in him falling overboard. So I got to spend most of my morning babysitting my cat. At one point he went downstairs to lay on the bed. I found him hanging off the edge watching the waves through the escape hatch window. Not the place to be! The gray cat, Duster, doesn’t give a single shit and spent the entire day laying on our bed fast asleep!

Poor buddy

Eventually we made it to Shroud Cay, my favorite place in the world! It was still super windy and overcast, so not ideal conditions to show the parents how amazing this place is. We went for a little excursion in the dinghy anyway up one of the mangrove rivers to a beach we hadn’t been to before!

Epic water
The beach!
Family photo
Junk on the beach as usual unfortunately.
Killer lighting on True North

Once the sun went down we turned on our underwater lights! We didn’t have anything cool swim up but I got some awesome shots of the boat and the lights!

There’s my kayak!
Super cooool!

It’s now Christmas Eve and since we can’t have a tree on the boat for obvious reasons I decorated one of the stanchions with led lights and wrapping paper!

That’s as festive as we’re gonna get!