Many months ago I made a comment about how cool it would be to make it to Shroud Cay for Christmas, never thinking we would actually get our shit together in time to make it here. Looks like I was wrong because I woke up on Christmas morning in my favorite place in the whole world!
Our “Festivus pole” was decorated in wrapping paper that got glitter all over the boat, candy canes that were passed around when we were in Stuart still, and one of those classy hanging tree air fresheners because the scent was “true north” and I thought that was fitting. We had a fantastic Christmas morning relaxing on the boat, drinking coffee, and opening the few presents we managed to smuggle onboard.

I’ve been wanting to kayak at Shroud for a long time so after breakfast, dad and I hopped into our boats for a little morning paddle down one of the mangrove rivers.

Look at that water!

After dad and I went, it was only fair that Jason and I also got to go paddling so I headed back out! (No complaints here! Lol)

The water is so clear

Made it to the ocean!
We have very different boats!

We even went up one of the tiny mangrove rivers at high tide!

Overall this was a fantastic day and I couldn’t have asked for a better Christmas!