Road trips and hiking are always a good excuse to head up to Port Townsend for lunch at Waterfront Pizza. We followed our noses to this place a few years ago and I’m not sure we’ve even eaten at any other restaurant since… Awesome pizza! Either way, we had fun running the dogs on the beach and wandering around town for a bit before heading home.

Sandy beach spot
Sandy beach spot
Charlie fetching sticks
Charlie fetching sticks
Lots of boats here
Lots of boats here
A surprising amount of sea glass on the beach in town
A surprising amount of sea glass on the beach in town
Love & coffee
Love & coffee
sketches on the picnic table
sketches on the picnic table
Playing with composition and color
Playing with composition and color
Colorful old buildings
Colorful old buildings
Water faucet
Water faucet
Old paint and bricks
Old paint and bricks
Agate necklace in the window
Agate necklace in the window
verdigris and weathered wood
verdigris and weathered wood
fun with rust
fun with rust
come home soon
come home soon
Lewis building.  Liked the texture of this one
Lewis building. Liked the texture of this one
Awesomely creepy bunny
Awesomely creepy bunny
Survey marker
Survey marker
art on a tree
art on a tree
Boiler room coffee
Boiler room coffee
Fortune teller wagon
Fortune teller wagon
I have a new fascination with door handles...
I have a new fascination with door handles…
Every detail is decorative here
Every detail is decorative here
So pretty!
So pretty!



  1. Lawrence Mecklenburg August 11, 2014 at 4:15 pm

    Fortune teller shack looked like something from 100 years ago!

    1. cam August 19, 2014 at 1:23 pm

      these pictures came out neat! I ove the focus on the small things, and i think for some reason, that is really what can remind us the most about a certain memory/day.