I’m really liking this whole motocross thing…. so we’re back at Riverdale again to tear it up at the track.  but this time, with friends! 🙂 We talked a couple guys from work into coming with us to check out the track for either the first time or the first time in a long time.  😉


Tomei was the ONLY one bored!
Tomei was the ONLY one bored!
The only photo of me this time and it's on Jessica's KX125 and I'm not even doing anything cool... better luck next time.
The only photo of me this time and it’s on Jessica’s KX125…
Jessica hauling ass in her brand new gear with sharks all over it. She loves sharks and the whole set was on sale. Winning!
Jessica hauling ass in her brand new gear with sharks all over it. She loves sharks and the whole set was on sale. Winning!
The whole pack!
The whole pack!
Jesse on his KTM
Jesse on his KTM
Jason's new gear and new YZ450F.  I can't recognize him anymore. Very different from his usual black gear and orange bike...
Jason’s new gear and new YZ450F. I can’t recognize him anymore. Very different from his usual black gear and orange bike…
Jason and Cam playing.
Jason and Cam playing.
The orange brigade
The orange brigade
Jason under the checkered flag
Jason under the checkered flag
Same shot of Cam because I was already there.
Same shot of Cam because I was already there.
Another orange bike
Another orange bike
I was playing with motion blur this time. It was fun.
I was playing with motion blur this time. It was fun.
Why do they even make white motocross gear!? It's not even mud-season yet...
Why do they even make white motocross gear!? It’s not even mud-season yet…
Go orange!
Go orange!
Style points
Style points
Cam on his recently rebuilt 250.
Cam on his recently rebuilt 250.
Jason in the corner.
Jason in the corner.
Some guy we don't know about to launch into freaking outer space. We could only watch in horror and amusement.
Some guy we don’t know about to launch into freaking outer space. We could only watch in horror and amusement.
I feel bad, but I can't remember who was on what bike... and they were all KTMs... so I think I get a pass on this one...
I feel bad, but I can’t remember who was on what bike… and they were all KTMs… so I think I get a pass on this one…
Jason flying through the air.
Jason flying through the air.
Dual sporting it up!
Dual sporting it up!
Glamour shot of Cam and the two fiddy.
Glamour shot of Cam and the two fiddy.
He's so fast he's escaping the frame...
He’s so fast he’s escaping the frame…
...and here I was proud of myself for finally clearing the small jump... Go big or go home!
…and here I was proud of myself for finally clearing the small jump… Go big or go home!
Liked the contrast between the brightly colored bike and dirty brown water truck.
Liked the contrast between the brightly colored bike and dirty brown water truck.
Pretty good looking setup he's got going on there... I need to order graphics for me bike...
Pretty good looking setup he’s got going on there… I need to order graphics for my bike…
Jesse jumping!
Jesse jumping!
Jesse using all of his suspension travel...
Jesse using all of his suspension travel…
This cute little shit is braver than I am!
This cute little shit is braver than I am!
...and now for the artsy fartsy crap. ;) here's a heart made out of rust.
…and now for the artsy fartsy crap. 😉 here’s a heart made out of rust.
...and the side of a crinkled trash barrel.  Because sometimes I get bored waiting to take bike photos.
…and the side of a crinkled trash barrel. Because sometimes I get bored waiting to take bike photos.

I learned to powerslide my bike around corners, so I was having a BLAST! It was awesome and I think we’ll have a bigger group next time we make it down! 😉


1 Comment

  1. Lawrence Mecklenburg August 25, 2014 at 4:14 pm

    Sweet Jeepers, Jessica looks like she’s going warp speed…

    The white motocross gear is so Jason can show off how dirty he gets and then brag about it.

    Thanks Ashley!