Eventually our plan is to move onto the boat instead of just working on it all the time… and we’re not leaving our furry little friends behind, so the cats are coming on the boat too!  However they haven’t actually been on the boat yet.  Today is the day!  We loaded them (unhappily) into the car and closed all the hatches and hid all the chemicals on the boat.  They handled being carried up the ladder and into the boat pretty well.

As I predicted, Duster quickly found a spot in the corner in the aft cabin while Dart wandered around climbing over and sniffing everything.

first contact
He stayed there the whole time
He doesn’t know that he can climb the ladder to get out

Eventually Dart laid down next to me on the couch and chilled.  I think they’re really going to like basking in the sun and not being more than 40 feet away from their humans!

After some work on the boat, we loaded them back up into the car and headed south to spend Thanksgiving with our friend Ian.  The boys travel pretty well in the car for the most part.  Dart can get a little motion sick but Duster perks right up when we stop for food. He even took a bite out of my chicken sandwich! (little shit!)

Not a super happy kitty
Laying on the hard plastic cooler
Stupid cat.