Why am I like this?

I hate the fact that most of the windows on this boat leak at least a little bit, so I picked the one least likely to do damage if I messed it up:  the aft head. (leaks don’t matter in there, right?) So I removed all of the screws holding the 2-piece window in and I guess I may have expected it to just pry out all nice and easy.  Well, this is a boat, so it was the opposite of that and a gigantic pain in the ass.  There was a LOT of sealant gluing this window in on both sides.  We had to get the power tools and pry bar out.  After a few hours of uncomfortable prying and cursing it finally let go.  I was able to clean it up pretty easily and we decided to reinstall it using butyl tape.  The tape usually works really well for permanent sealing of surfaces, but the window is so odd that I’m not sure that’s its ideal use.  I hope it ends up watertight!  We also learned that pretty much every screw that I took out needs to be reinstalled with a considerably larger one or I’ll have to remake the wood spacer in between the layers of fiberglass. Awesome.

That’s a big hole…
Can’t even see a difference except the window is slightly cleaner

Most of the windows on the starboard side leak pretty badly, so they’re next on my list.  At least now I know how much effort it takes to get them out and I’ll be prepared! Time to buy more screws!