All the major projects are either complete or out of our hands, so Jason and I have spent a few days just finishing up random crap on the boat and pecking away at our to do list!

First up was the temperature gauges for the built-in fridge and freezer in the galley! We didn’t like the digital ones, and went with all manual. I think they look really cool, but we had to drill more holes in our boat.

Holes cut


I also finally figured out how to mount the sea strainer for the watermaker install and finish running the tubing for that.  So the watermaker is finally all complete!

I don’t like the 90 degree fitting, but it’ll be alright.

I’ve also been furiously cleaning the boat, organizing things, and squirreling them away in cubbies so we can finally move onto this thing!

I have the top of my electrical cabinet free again!
Some of the cushions are reinstalled!

Still a lot more organizing to do, but it’s starting to get there!