Yesterday we finished the white paint on the dodger hardtop, so today it was time to start painting the blue on the underside!

Masking is hard when it’s all white!
Turns out the blue we picked is the same color as the masking tape…

Literally right after I finished brushing the paint on, the thunder started and a storm popped up right by the boat. AGAIN!!! This always happens.  So we quickly tied the tarp over it and went to lunch.  Unfortunately it still got rain drops on it and now the paint has little circles in it.  Looks like I’ll get to sand and put on a second coat of paint. Stupid weather!

Luckily the varnish dries much quicker than the paint and isn’t affected by water nearly as much.  I put another coat on this morning and the coaming is looking fan-freaking-tastic!

There was a small animal under our boat last night! Maybe a raccoon? (looks at its little hands!)

As usual, while waiting for things to dry outside, I moved inside and started working on some inside tasks.  Today it was setting up the Froli mattress base for the bed.  The Froli system has small springs that serve as a box spring for a foam mattress on boats and RVs.  Everyone who has one loves it, so we splurged.  I really like to sleep comfortably and this will also help condensation from forming underneath our mattress!

Bed all cleaned up and I finally fixed the bookshelf along the bulkhead!
Fancy looking!

After setting that up (and pinching my fingers on all the little snaps..) I kept cleaning the boat.  I found a spot to store all of our spare wires, put some more tools and supplies away, and cleaned.  The forward heat and master bedroom are both pretty much good to go!

Still some tubs of tools and supplies we’re using, but they’re organized now
I added a fan and a fire extinguisher!
then I used leftovers to make fried rice!

We had a *very* productive day today!  I’m halfway done with the varnish project on the outside and making really good progress on the inside with the organizing.  Jason’s been hammering out the small tasks on our list.