I’m still trying to get all of the little things done in the engine area so I can close up that space and be completely done with it!  Today I reinstalled the two LED light bars that I had hooked up before I added more insulation.  After so many days of working in there in the dark with a headlamp it was amazing seeing it brightly lit up!

Before but with sun from the open window

Unfortunately now I can see the places where I didn’t clean well enough! 😉

While I was playing with my engine, Jason was trying to figure out why the AC system and shore connection weren’t working.  We definitely found one possible option when the shore power breaker crumbled in Jason’s hand… I had to put it in a plastic bag to keep it all together when we took it to get a replacement. Gross.

Yeah that’s not how that’s supposed to work…

We also FINALLY got the raw water washdown pump and its new strainer installed!


We got this put in place *BUT* the breaker still trips and it doesn’t work.  The motor spins when hooked up directly, so there’s something else going on.  I guess i’ll get to it later.

I finished installing a switch and finishing the wiring and fuel line hookup for the “new” (made entirely out of parts we already had!) fuel polishing system.  It works great, except that it doesn’t flow any fuel. We suspect we need to prime the system and the little pump isn’t strong enough to pull the liquid from the tank with all the air in the lines.  Another project for yet another day. At least all the stuff is bolted in place and ready to go.

Not my best install, but it’s done.

We’re having a ton of storms rolling through lately so it’s been raining off and on for days now. This apparently means that it’s going to be humid and miserable for a while.  There wasn’t any wind today.  Jason and I lasted an hour and a half on the boat before we called it and ran to St. Augustine to get parts and lunch instead.

My face sums up my feelings about today…

Yeah… it was a long morning AND I had a headache all day.  We were successful at the boat parts store, got some hot dogs for lunch, and then came home so I could work on one of my sewing projects in the nice air conditioning of the apartment!