We made excellent progress on the hardtop today!  Jason started off this morning by sanding and prepping it for paint.

This is what the underside ended up looking like. Unfortunately, my tape failed in a few places so I’ll need to touch up some spots.

After sanding we realized that there were still a few areas that were pretty rough, so Jason put on another skim coat of filler and epoxy to smooth it out some more.

Finally after some more drying and sanding it was ready for the first coat of paint! I definitely did the blue on the underside way too thick, so this time we’re going to thin it out more and do multiple coats. It’s so hot in the evenings that the paint dries almost instantly!  I do really like the color we picked! It’s a nice light blue that’s bright enough to be modern looking, but not so bright it’s obnoxious.  Can’t wait to see it on top of the boat!

It’ll be brighter in the sun!

In the meantime I put 2 more coats of varnish on the rails, so hopefully tomorrow I’ll have a total of 8 coats on them and I’ll be DONE! (no pictures of them today though for some reason) We also shoved the master bedroom mattress into the truck and brought it to the boat today.  That means the forward half of the boat is pretty much done and put together! There will definitely be some shuffling around when we move our actual stuff onboard, but I’m really happy with how it looks and how things are arranged!

It’s suuuuper comfy!