Jason and I started sanding the railing as soon as we arrived on the boat this morning.  Once that was done I laid down the *final coat* of varnish!  The teak was pretty beat and more prep might have been advisable, but overall it looks super glossy and amazing.  A HUGE difference from what it was!

Tomorrow we get to peel the tape off!

I realize the above photo doesn’t show how shiny it is… trust me… it’s SHIIIINY! (it was overcast for once…)

After the varnish was done, we hit up the hardtop and laid down a coat of primer on that.  Neither of these tasks really take that long to accomplish… it’s all in the drying time unfortunately.

I made some more progress on finishing up the galley cabinet while Jason started stripping and sanding the table that bolts to the steering pedestal.  The table base and cabinet is salvageable, but the fold out table top is not.  It’s literally warped, cracked, and falling apart.  Not sure if we’re just going to redo it out of different wood or if Jason is going to con his dad into fixing it for him. 😉 More on that later…

While I was puttering around the boat I noticed our little side table was looking really sad and dry, so I tossed some teak oil on it.  I didn’t expect it to work, but WOW what a difference!

If the rest of the interior wood looked that good I would keep it! As it is now, the table has that mile deep reflective shine and the bulkhead looks like painted plastic. So sad. Maybe I’ll just paint the whole boat white and go on about my day.

It’s also to the point where I need to start cleaning and organizing the boat so we can start moving the big stuff like cushions and mattresses onboard.  Unfortunately… it still looks like a tiny tornado rolled through our boat. It’s not as bad as it looks in pictures… but… it looks terrible! 😉

There’s just nowhere to store tools right now!!! Don’t judge me! 😉