After spending countless days refinishing the rear cap rails on the boat to a glorious, glossy luster, we decided that it looks *so good* we didn’t want to stop!  So… now we’ve sanded and will varnish the cockpit seats as well… because we didn’t have any actual boat work to do! (that’s sarcasm.. we have a lot of actual work left that’s not superficial shininess!)

They’re going to look SO GOOD though!!!
Jason removed the drums off of the winches to make it easier. Good idea!

As usual though… it’s going to rain.  Luckily this is a much smaller area, so I could easily tape some plastic over the seats to protect them! We didn’t get a coat of primer on them today because of the constant threat of thunderstorms, but I’m hopeful for tomorrow!

I’m out of plastic drop cloths now.

We did our sanding first thing in the morning and then cleaned up as best as we could and moved on to the first coat of actual real paint on the hardtop! I’m going to use the same color of creamy white as the kitchen cabinets on the underside of the hardtop, so I got out my trusty paintbrush and got to work! Unfortunately, this can has been opened quite a bit and had a lot of half dried chunks in it that make it really hard to get a smooth finish.  We will see how it turns out tomorrow, I hope they’re not too noticeable.  If we don’t need a second coat I might be able to start putting on the final dark blue layer of paint! 🙂

It looks like a basic white rectangle, but it’s slightly less white now, I promise.

It’s been overcast and looking kind of rainy all morning, so I sent Jason to Ace Hardware to get a tarp to cover the hardtop with.  The paint is pretty safe to mess with after 4 hours.. but I don’t think we have that long.  Sure enough, a few minutes after he got back, it started to sprinkle rain and we hustled to get the tarp tied up over the top.  We moved it in between the boats and tied the tarp to the stands.  Not too bad of an idea!

Why is it so rainy here?!

To finish up my list of projects I shouldn’t have started because I have other things to do.. I used part of our old sail to make a large bag.  I’m not even sure that I need a large shopping bag like this, but I wanted to make it and here it is.  It did turn out kind of cute.  The teal color is the sunbrella cover used to protect the edge of the sail while it’s rolled up.

Here’s an old pic of the boat so you can see what I’ve got.
Bunches of fabric
Bag! There’s a matching orange strips down the right side.
The tassels are just leftover rope.

So yeah… that’s what we did today! 😉