It’s been raining pretty regularly for the past few days and rain is predicted to hang around for the rest of the week.  I’m *hating* it because after living in Washington for so long it just makes me mad when it rains (it’ll be gone in a week, not gone in 7 months! it’ll be ok!).  It also means that I can’t take anything outside to paint.  I really need to finish the galley cabinets if for no other reason than to get them out of the middle of the boat and out of my way.  I killed two birds with one stone by rolling up the 2 sections of mattress in the master bedroom to take home and then moving one of the cabinets to the now empty bed to paint on!

Here’s the big half…
Not sure why the small half got twice the amount of straps on it…
It fit pretty well here and I managed to get it sanded, cleaned, and painted.
The big section got sanded and painted as well!

The cabinets are really starting to look good with this last coat of paint!  I think I have everything covered and hopefully I don’t have any bad runs!  Now give it a few days to dry and we can set them in place in the galley and see what they look like! This boat has WAY too much wood in the interior…

Remember that wood panel with the map on it from a few days ago? This is what it looks like with all the stuff installed in it.

Looks pretty nice!

Our house was just south of Long Lake at the top center of the map.  I like that this means something to us and it’s not just “traditional yacht” interior fitout.  It also might be the only chart we have on the boat! 😮

While I was messing with the paint Jason started working on the pulley upgrade on the engine.  Since our alternator is so powerful, the little V-belts that are on there will just shred, so we’re putting on a true serpentine belt upgrade.  In the course of taking things apart, I noticed that stuff was rusty and that’s unacceptable.  Much to Jason’s chagrin, we had to stop work so I could bring the balancer pulley home to paint.

That will be much nicer!
Storm coming in

We managed to make it in and out of the grocery store and home and miss all of the rain.  Judging by the water running down the street and puddled in the road, it was a pretty good storm!