The first part of this run was mostly fancy houses but the second half had a great view of the Cape Canaveral space stuff!

Launch facility
the VAB, vehicle assembly building.

We didn’t get to actually drive by the stuff at Canaveral since we had to make a sharp right hand turn through a super narrow channel to go from the Mosquito Lagoon into the Indian River.  On the approach it looks like you’re going to just crash into the trees… but there *is* a tiny channel!

Another draw bridge

Tons of people fishing
What the trees in florida are supposed to look like
I tried to get pictures of all of the birds but between them flying and the boat moving all I ended up with was this osprey.
Dart finally realized that the lines can be played with
Pretty boy!
Anchored just south of the bridge in cocoa!

Cocoa is one of those places that we used to go hang out in in college, so it was really neat seeing it from the water! I wouldn’t have minded spending a little more time here as the waterfront has a bunch of restaurants and a nice little park.  We ended up with Ryan’s pizza and it was fantastic! I’m on a huge white pizza kick and this was really great after a day of bobbing along on the boat!

Definitely stop here!

As usual, it’s not boating unless something breaks… While looking at the alternator regulator I noticed that the engine was practically pissing coolant. So… that’s not cool. Luckily it was an easy fix: the hose clamp wasn’t tight enough.  It’s not even a big deal, but for some reason I HATE coolant.  I’ll have to clean it up later out of principle. We’re also not getting all of the amps from the alternator and the solar panels that we should be, but that’s a problem for another day!

drip drip drip

I ended up taking 2 pictures of the Cocoa bridge… one in shitty light with my phone and another at sunset with my real camera.  There’s actually a huge difference! LOL


The sunrise the next morning was fantastic with a little fog on the water for extra drama.

Just starting to light up the clouds
good morning!