Everyone was pretty well pooped after our hot afternoon hike at Warderick wells, so all 6 of us piled into the dinghy and started the short motor back to the boat.  The waves were starting to get pretty choppy and we were halfway there when the engine died and wouldn’t restart.  At this point we were all pretty soaked from the waves hitting the front of the boat and the sides and the wind. (fun fact: I’m going to get a waterproof bag for shore excursions…) Jason’s at the back of the dinghy trying to get the motor started, so we start paddling to at least try to fight the wind pushing the dinghy away from our boat.  I feel like we looked way more pathetic than we felt, which is pretty pathetic indeed.  Apparently we garnered the sympathy of another cruising boat who came to our rescue and towed us to our boat with his dinghy! Saved! Much more excitement than any of us expected or wanted, but we made it home in time for Taco Tuesday and all was well. (the tacos were pretty tasty too!)