We were pretty solidly on our way home at this point in the trip.  Currently the debate was what route to take, but we eventually decided to just head into Bend, Oregon and get a hotel so we could have a shower and not have to bother with the milk that we spilled in the camper the previous day.

Red rocks at sunrise

Moon slowly setting

The moon slowly faded as the sun rose higher in the sky.  After finishing breakfast, we hit the road north!

Along the way though, we found a random side road that went up into the hills and a hot spring.  The hot spring was a largeish white rock with a dribble of water at the top. It flowed down the rock into a small pool and then across the road into what can only be described as a cattle pond.  Rather bizarre actually.

Not a lot there. It might have been a foot in diameter?

Last time we were out here we noticed some of the route signs that apparently took off in the direction of the mountains that were now higher and rockier than before.  We really didn’t have anywhere specific to be, so we drove down one to check it out.  The rocks were completely different here.  We did see some mountain goats up high though!

Not a super exciting photo, the sun is still coming up behind the mountains!

I get the impression that there’s a lot of hiking options out this way though! I aim to check it out a little more next time we’re here!