Admittedly, our plan kind of ran out after leaving the main black rock desert area.  We’ve only been on this side of the desert once before and we were on our way home as we pretty much are now.  Last  time, though, we stopped randomly on the side of the road because I saw orange rocks and I wanted them.  Turns out that that one area was chock full of really cool rocks like the orange ones I have yet to identify, agates, jasper, etc.  I filled a few bags last time. My only goal for the day was to stop by that spot and look for more rocks because someday I’m going to do really cool things with all of my rocks… I promise…

We decided to just camp around here for the night and found a road just down from the rock hunting spot that went up into the Jackson Mountains a little further.  Worth a shot! Turns out that there was a fire ring made and a flat surface to park with an epic view of the mountains and desert below! Score! We’ll remember this one for next time!

I had every photographic device I own out at the same time!
Sunset over the desert and the “road” we took

We had fun hiking around the little valleys in these hills behind the campsite
The last rays of sun hitting the hills

We’ve had pretty epic sunsets for this entire trip, and tonight wasn’t much different.