We spent a week or so with the parents in Nevada just hanging out and exploring offroad in our 4Runner!  However our goal after quitting our jobs was to get to the boat in Jacksonville, Florida as soon as possible to take advantage of the slightly cooler weather in spring.  We’re hoping (because boat projects never go over schedule or budget) to be done when summer hits and then we can go on a road trip.  We will see!

Either way, it was time to move on, so we loaded up the cats and the trailer and headed towards Jason’s family in Missouri.

Utah is amazing! This is right off the highway!

Cool layers of rock cut into the road

Because of the weight of the trailer, we were only wanting to drive about 60-65 mph.  That made the interstate slow going.  We got passed by a lot of semi trucks.  I was a little worried about going through the pass in Colorado due to the height and our loaded down anemic truck.  She made it like a champ though!

The tunnel at the top!
Over 11k feet!

So fun fact… once the mountains are in the rearview, you’re in Kansas… it’s flat and boring.

I haven’t missed the midwest

We did stop at the geographical center of the United States, located in Kansas.  The wind was howling and the site was marked with a little sign and marker on the ground.

There ya go…
Look at those flags flying!

We eventually made it to Missouri and hung out there for a few days.

Duster had the misfortune of wandering up front where I could bother him.
In case you were wondering, this is what the downtown of every midwestern town looks like
Still nothing but sky and grass
I did find some coffee though, so it’s not too bad!

Eventually we hit the road again and headed to Nashville, Chattanooga, Atlanta, and finally Jacksonville!

Detour by the stadium in Atlanta
Our first palm trees!!!!

After 95 hours and 4600 miles, we finally arrived in Jacksonville (officially Fleming Island, more southwest) and got our apartment!  It’s been a while since either of us have lived in an apartment so it’s odd being so close to a ton of other people again.  We also sold/donated all of our furniture from Washington so we’re currently rocking the inflatable mattress and our camping setup in the dining room.

Here we are!
Our little kitchen
Living room. the dining nook is to the left.
Coffee nook is set up! (first thing!)
I covered the chairs with blankets to make them feel more classy. It didn’t work.
I just realized I have pillows that match my cats!

Given that we have cats and also a multitude of boxes, it’s time to play my favorite game “find the cat”. 🙂

I promise there’s a cat in this photo!
There he is!!

We realize that we left Washington right after the Corona virus hit, but since we were driving and moving so much we didn’t really notice anything different about it. However, we now have to outfit an entire apartment and that includes things like toilet paper and paper towels! Luckily Jason stole a roll from his mom’s house in Missouri or we would have been SOL (quite literally… Thanks Vicky!).  A few days later we found a pack of paper at Aldi’s!

Victory is ours!

We finally made it to Florida! Now it’s time to finish unpacking and go start work on the boat! 🙂