Jason and I decided to take a break from building our camper and head down to Bend, Oregon for a mini-vacation over the 4th of July.  We also kidnapped Rashell. (she didn’t put up much of a struggle) The first day we spent exploring downtown and the Old Mill District.  It’s warm enough for people to float the Deschutes river! I’ve never been floating, but it looks relaxing.

We also drove up to Tumalo falls.  None of us had good shoes, so we didn’t hike down to the bottom.  I think the lighting is best here at noon when the sun finally has a chance to shine straight down into the canyon.  It’s not very sunny later in the day.

ta da! This is what a 20 second exposure time gets you…
One of the upper trails

So that pretty much concludes our first day.  🙂 The next morning we woke up pretty early to get to Smith Rock State Park before the crowds.  Jason took his mountain bike and did one of the trails out there while Rashell and I did the Misery Ridge hike.

The standard view of smith rock
Jason leaving on his bike
I almost stepped on that. I need a spotter while I take photos.

Starting up the trail
Nice view of the river
so majestic
Yeah, it’s quite the climb!

Through the scraggly trees
Good shot of the actual trail

View from the actual top!
wonder if anyone ever climbs this one?
Misery ridge
There were people climbing it!
so that’s how they get across!

do not want
pretty river