Armed with a sturdy new roof rack, our vacation was finally underway!  Getting to our starting point was luckily much less eventful this time around.  After 3 hours of sitting in the truck, we were ready to walk around a little bit so we found a small hike right by the Columbia River called the Beacon Rock trail.  Beacon Rock is actually the hardened insides of a small volcano where the softer outer rock had been eroded away. Neat! and also a beautiful hike.

Beacon Rock trail by the Columbia River
Beacon Rock trail by the Columbia River
Beacon Rock trail.
Beacon Rock trail.
Bridge at Beacon rock
Bridge at Beacon rock
Gateway to the Columbia
Gateway to the Columbia
Columbia River
Columbia River
Path up Beacon Rock
Path up Beacon Rock
Trains and waterways on the Columbia
Trains and waterways on the Columbia
Neat fence at Beacon Rock
Neat fence at Beacon Rock
Stone wall
Stone wall
Beacon Rock. Not always open, apparently.
Beacon Rock. Not always open, apparently.
Columbia River
Columbia River
well I did really like this trail...
well I did really like this trail…

The wildflowers were in bloom and there was a Camaro in the parking lot. Good start to the trip!

Sweet Camaro and good start to the trip!
Sweet Camaro and good start to the trip!

From here we started on the Washington Backcountry Discovery Route (WABDR) and headed towards the small town of Packwood.  Had some beautiful mountain views along the way.


Pretty good views up here!
Pretty good views up here!
Mt. Rainier
Don’t know which mountain this was


Along the way are the Guler Ice Caves. There was a giant warning sign in front of it, which almost always guarantees a good time. Temperature dropped at least 20 degrees on the stairs down into the cave. We were in shorts and didn’t stay very long. Lets just say that caving is not going to be my new extreme activity. It was a very neat spot to explore though. I need a much better flashlight.

Considerably cooler down in the cave
Considerably cooler down in the cave
Ice caves
Ice caves
Ice was super clear
Ice was super clear
Ice formations in the cave
Ice formations in the cave
Stairs leading out of the ice caves
Stairs leading out of the ice caves

We got a bit of a late start to the day, so we weren’t going to make it to Packwood today and found a place to camp.  Set up our tent and Jason made some delicious Seattle Cream Cheese hot dogs. Good end to a pretty good day!

Delicious woodland treats
Delicious woodland treats
Our camping setup
Our camping setup
Gourmet camping
Gourmet camping
Seattle cream cheese hot dogs
Seattle cream cheese hot dogs
Morning dew
Morning dew