We ended up spending two nights on our anchor at Stuart island.  After spending so many days in a row hiking all I wanted to do was relax on the boat.  So that’s exactly what I did! Jason took the dinghy out for a little bit just to get off the boat, but I stayed aboard and colored, crafted, played with my photos, and ate cookies.  Life is good! However, after two nights of the same spot Jason and I were ready to move on.  Roche Harbor was next on our list.  (partly because at this point we had a lot of garbage to dispose of!)
Roche Harbor was originally a lime kiln and the town sprung up from that.  It slowly turned into a resort with the Haro Hotel and associated restaurant.  The marina is packed full of mega yachts.  It’s essentially a playground for the rich and famous.  We didn’t even park at the marina this time and chose instead to anchor out in the bay.  The Lime Kiln Cafe has excellent burgers and homemade donuts.
Haro Hotel
Haro Hotel. Never stayed there, but it looks nice.
Pretty landscaping
All the buildings are historical like this.
The restaurant. We didn’t eat here this time, but I remember it being super tasty!
View from the dock
For some reason I love these old mailboxes.
There are float planes running around! This one went right behind our boat!
Recently they have been building rows of the cutest little vacation homes up the hill from the marina.  I love the style of these houses.  I would love to have one, but they cost more than my normal house in Port Orchard! 😮
Baby deer!!!

We spent a relaxing morning hanging out on the boat drinking coffee and eating bacon.  We can’t really leave until 11 due to tides, so we have most of the morning to chill.  We did take the dinghy ashore to get a latte and a donut just because we could! 🙂