There’s always work to be done on the boat, even if it’s not a big project. After 4 months in the Bahamas I had quite the list of little stuff to upgrade or fix.

While we were in the Bahamas we saw a dinghy with by far the nicest chaps I’ve ever seen. We tracked down the owner and got the number of the lady who made them so I contacted her and got on the schedule. She does truly outstanding work!  The chaps are mostly to protect the inflatable parts of the dinghy from sun exposure and abrasion, but they also look super cool.  These even have little reflective patches and a big orange panel for visibility.  We’re super happy with how they turned out!

The boat came with a few rugs and I had one outside the front door to help catch sand and dirt before tracking it through the boat, however it got super dirty and gross. I decided to replace it with a rubber drainage mat off Amazon.

Cut to fit
Looks nice and I can just wash it out!
Duster watching me work
Just laying with the tools. He’s so useful.

The engines needed a lot of maintenance after 4 months of us ignoring them. Jason changed the oil on those and the transmissions and I swapped out the salt water impellers.  It was a good thing I did because the little vanes were starting to break off which will clog the heat exchanger and wreak all sorts of havoc!

The best picture I could get! Lol

One big thing we did was to take a bunch of unused stuff off the boat and donate it and also go to our storage shed in Melbourne and clean that out. We still have some camping stuff and random stuff we want to keep but Melbourne isn’t convenient from the boat so we took our friends van and drove it all up to Jacksonville to a new storage shed. Mission accomplished! (And the boat is a lot lighter!)

Our shed originally filled most of a cargo van! That’s too much shit!