My favorite part about Sucia Island is the hike around Fossil Bay.  Mostly because I can look for rocks on the beach, and then look for fossils in the rocks, and then look for treasures washed up on the beach. (one year I found a pocket knife!)

Sunset in Fossil Bay from last night
Survey marker from sometime in the 1800s. I forget the exact date.
A rather nondescript bay across from fossil bay with a few boats anchored in it.
Into the sun.
This entire cliff face is full of fossilized shells
Fossil shells!

Big rocks and small rocks

Driftwood washed up at high tide
Lovely coast line here
Look at all the boats!?!?!?
Purple flower
Jason and I
Grassy path

Silhouette trees
Gnarled tree. This will be in the water soon.
Salacia from above. Isn’t she pretty?
A couple in a dinghy checking out our boat! 🙂
Indian paintbrush flower. We used to see these in Texas!
Another shot of that purple flower
…and a random float plane!