Since my parents’ condo is 5 minutes from downtown, we end up walking pretty much everywhere we want to go.  Between meeting up with friends and just generally wandering around burning off calories from all the cookies mom made, I ended up with quite a few photos of good ole’ Melbourne.

Chess board at the park
Chess board at the park
Manatee in the kids' play area at the park
Manatee in the kids’ play area at the park
Random stencil graffiti everywhere around here lately...
Random stencil graffiti everywhere around here lately…
This guy had abut 5 more scattered around his yard.
This guy had abut 5 more scattered around his yard.
Tow away zone.
Tow away zone.
SPACE NEEDLE?! really?
SPACE NEEDLE?! really?
YES! no idea to what, but definitely yes...
YES! no idea to what, but definitely yes…
Down by the tracks. Mom reports that they're going to put in a commuter rail.  I hope they rebuild that bridge first.
Down by the tracks. Mom reports that they’re going to put in a commuter rail. I hope they rebuild that bridge first.
steel loves seawater. they're BFF's.
steel loves seawater. they’re BFF’s.
graffiti makes me crabby. HA! see what i did there?
graffiti makes me crabby. HA! see what i did there?
Gorgeous colorful sunset
Gorgeous colorful sunset
People fishing at sunset
People fishing at sunset
Sign, sign, everywhere a sign...
Sign, sign, everywhere a sign…
No idea what flower this is.
No idea what flower this is.
Bird of paradise.  Jason likes these.
Bird of paradise. Jason likes these.
Giant brick planter. Shoulda planted that palm tree inside of it!
Giant brick planter. Shoulda planted that palm tree inside of it!
Squirrel! I've only seen a few in WA the 3 years we've lived there... I miss them.
Squirrel! I’ve only seen a few in WA the 3 years we’ve lived there… I miss them.
Cacti look like snakes!
Cacti look like snakes!
Tons of 5K's out here
Tons of 5K’s out here
Sunset on the river
Sunset on the river
Mural on the pillars under the bridge.
Mural on the pillars under the bridge.
Cat at the local used book store. Her name is Mary and she likes fish flavored cat treats.
Cat at the local used book store. Her name is Mary and she likes fish flavored cat treats.
Decoration at Island Pasta in downtown Melbourne. They have an epic coconut curry.
Decoration at Island Pasta in downtown Melbourne. They have an epic coconut curry.
I liked the color.
I liked the color.
Beauty and the bums.
Beauty and the bums.
This is one of the feral cats that dad sees almost every morning on his walk.
This is one of the feral cats that dad sees almost every morning on his walk.
Stained glass window at Meg O' Malley's, the best Irish food in the world ever.
Stained glass window at Meg O’ Malley’s, the best Irish food in the world ever.
Hey it's lucky kitty!
Hey it’s lucky kitty!


1 Comment

  1. Lawrence Mecklenburg January 4, 2014 at 1:07 am

    More great pics!
    “steel loves seawater. they’re BFF’s.” Is that bridge still in use?! Sweet jeepers!
    I didn’t know cacti grew up trees like that. Weird.
    If you want to see squirrels in Washington, come by my place sometime. I’m overrun with the little walnut stealing b@stards!